Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Lecture 1: Intro to Computing

Urdu/Hindi Version

Intro to computing in Urdu/Hindi by crazytutor

What is a Computer?

A computer is an advance electronic calculator which process/calculates an input data and gives the desired output.

Data: Information encoded in a specific language; Understandable by a specific entity. Computers encode information in binary language.
Input: Anything we feed to Computer.
Output: A result from computer after processing an input.
CPU (Central Processing Unit): Brain of a computer; Responsible for calculating inputs. 
Processing power is measured in Hertz. It is the SI unit of frequency; equal to one cycle per second.
Memory: Memory is the electronic holding place for instructions or data which are processed by CPU.
In a memory, computer stores data temporarily while performing some operation.
Storage: A place to store data permanently.

Device: A machine, capable of performing some objective or specific tasks.
Input Devices: Mouse, Keyboard etc.
Output Devices: Monitor, Printer etc.
Storage Devices: Hard disk, Usb flash drives etc.

  • Ram (Random access memory) is considered as primary or main memory, while storage (Hard disk, CD’s, DVD’s, USB flash drive etc.) are considered as Secondary memory.

Secondary us Primary memory:

A Secondary memory stores data permanently, while a primary memory clean up its contents on reload (restart). 
E.g. A hard disk knows where a data is placed even after a restart, but a ram after a restart contains nothing.


Most common input devices:


Digital Camera




Most Common Output Devices:






Is there any device, which performs both Input and Output at the same time?

Modem: Modem is a device which performs both input and output operation at the same time. It converts the digital signals into analog and analog signals into digital.


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